Saturday, February 2, 2008


Physical fitness is one of the major elements essential to equalize the game. I can only be acquired if the physical, mental and nervous systems are in tune. Consistent and systematic training is essential to a tournament player.

Regular hours of sleep, and regular, honest food at regular hours are needed to keep the body at its maximum efficiency. Food is especially important. Eat well, but not more than eating, especially just before play. I believe in a big breakfast on the day of a big game. This must be borne by nine thirty. A luncheon at moderate about whether a game to three. Do not eat foods rich in lunch because it tends to slow that up on the court. Do not run the risk of indigestion, which is the worst enemy in sight dear. Rich, heavy meal immediately before retiring is bad because it is suitable for them "loggy" in court the next day.

It is true prejudice to touch alcoholic beverage in any form during the tournament. Alcohol is a poison that affects the eyes, the mind, and the wind on three key elements of tennis. Snuff in moderation does not do much harm, even though they, too, and the wind hits the eyes. A man who faces a long season of tournaments must refrain from any alcohol or snuff in any form. The excesses of any kind are bad for the physical condition and should not be coincidence.

"Staleness" is the great enemy of the players who play long seasons. This is a case of too much tennis. Staleness is rarely the physical fatigue. A player can always regain their strength with the rest. Staleness is a mental fatigue due to the frequency or worry too close attention to tennis, and not enough variety of thought. Its symptoms include an aversion to the game of tennis and its surroundings, and the lack of interest in the game when it is in court. I advocate a break in training at that time. Go to the theater or a concert, and get your mind completely out of tennis. Make your worry while playing tennis, and forget the unpleasant bad game once you are outside the court. Always have some interest outside you can turn for relaxation during a tournament, but never allow it to interfere with his tennis when it should be the intention of his game. A good balance is difficult to achieve, but once attained, is a great help to a player of the tournament. The laws of the training should be closely monitored before and after a game. Do not refrigerated before a match, and that makes you stiff and slow. Above everything else is not at all without a recap after a party when it is hot or cold capture.

Many a player has acquired a touch of rheumatism of wasting time at the close of his party instead of getting his shower while still hot. That slight stiffness the next day can mean defeat. A serious chill can mean a serious illness. Do not take chances. Change wet clothes to dry between parties if it is to play twice in one day. It will make you feel better, and also avoid the risk of cold.

Tournament players must sacrifice some pleasures for the sake of success. Training will win many at the height of a man if he sticks to it. Espasmódica training is useless and should never be a player attempted.The condition is, is competent to decide his view mental, and helps to accustom itself to external conditions of the game. All players must match knowing a bit about the phenomenon of the crowd-from psychology, as in the case of the Church coincides with I-Murray connected some time ago, people can play an important part in the outcome.

Rarely is paid to get a crowd down on you. Always pay to gain their sympathy. I do not mean playing to the gallery, so they have the opposite effect that you want. The gallery is always the weakest player. This is a case of helping the "under-dog". If you are a winner you have to get used to that gallery to show the bias of your opponent. It is not a personal dislike you. It is simply a natural reaction for the loser. Sometimes, a bad decision of a game will win the sympathy of the crowd for him. The galleries are eminently only their wishes, but sometimes their emotions run away with them.

Quite apart from the effects in the gallery, I want to say here that when you are in favour of the other in a decision that you know is wrong, is trying to match its best to be unostentatiously losing the next point. Do not hit the ball over the back or stop at the bottom of the net with a jaunty air "are here." Click it or slightly offline, and go about their business as normal. His opponent always knows when you extend this justice, and shows that, although he does not expect. Never do it for effect. It is very bad manners. Just do it when your sense of justice tells you owe.

The multitude of objects, and in a fair, a true display of temper on the court. A player who loses his head should expect a poor reception from the gallery. In questioning the decisions of a player only put him in a bad light with the crowd and can not change the lyrics. You may know the call was wrong but smile at her, and the crowd will join you. These things are the essence of good sportsmanship and good sportsmanship win any gallery.

Most unattractive in the world will win the respect and admiration of a crowd for a display of true sportsmanship at the time of test.Any player who really enjoys a party for the game itself will always be a good athlete, because no fun to a party that does not give its full right of his opponent. A player who plays for the joy of the crowd wins the game for the first time steps on the court. Everyone loves an optimist.

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